A Lighter Life – An Introduction to a Light-filled Life and Atlantean Healing

Boken innehåller massor av meditationer och övningar du kan göra själv eller tillsammans med andra. Vi lär t.ex. ut hur du kan samarbeta med Ärkeängeln Rafael för att ge healing och Ärkeängeln Uriel för att rena ditt Solar Plexus chakra. Hur Mahatma energin kan höja din egen energi.  Hur du använder dig av den violetta flamman för att omvandla låga energier till höga för att skapa en energimässigt trevlig miljö att vistas i hemma, på jobbet etc.

“Minds, books and umbrellas only serve if we open them.”


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Bokens innehåll

This book is a journey of discovering a light-filled life where you can be aware of both the light and energy side of life, as well as your divine helpers. It has been created in a collaboration between Birkan Tore and Katharina Arnesen.

The Golden Age of Atlantis works as a source of inspiration for us today to once again be able to reach the level of harmonious, peaceful, sustaining, caring connection and relationship to everything and everyone on Earth, that is, a 5th dimensional life in a new Golden Age.

We introduce quite a few Ascended Masters and Archangels, including female Archangels. Talking to and working together with some of them and your Spirit Guides can ease your life, and even change how you live it.

We talk about why energy hygiene is as important as taking a shower regularly. Give you tips on how to make your aura shine and become stronger and why clearing and strengthening your chakras makes it easier to manifest the life circumstances you want.

This book was born out of our desire to share our work with Atlantean Healing and it expanded over seven years into a thorough guide for spiritual people to live a more light-filled and aware life, with divine guidance and protection, and with more understanding and control over their energy.

This book is made in a way that it, by itself, generates life enhancing energy just by laying around. But, we do encourage you to read it too.


Överblick över kapitlen

Atlantis – Atlantean Healing, The Atlantean Society, Experience an Atlantis Meditation, Golden Atlantis

The Temple of Hope – An Etheric Temple Open to the Public

Intuition – Guided by Your Senses, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Impacting your Intuition

Angels – You Have to ask to Get Help, Guardian Angels, Angels of Atlantis, Archangels, Female Archangels, Ethereal Retreats of the Angels

Spirit Guides – Life Journey without a Body, Communicating with Spirit Guides

Ascended Masters – Teachers by Choice, Working with Ascended Masters

Aura – Life Energy around Bodies, Filtering Shields, What Affects Your Aura, The Evolution of the Aura, Exercises to Sense Auras, Aura in Treatment

Chakras – Bridges that Connect, Changing Chakra Colors, Your 9 Major Chakras, Your 4 Major Ethereal Chakras, Your 13 Chakra System, Clearing Chakras with the Help of…, Strengthening Chakras by…, Don´t Do this to Chakras

Blockages – Redirects and Stops the Flow, Blocks and Treatment, Preventing Blockages by…

Five Elements – The Bases for Life

The Mahatma Energy – Increasing Your Energy

The Violet Flame – Transmuting Energy, The Evolution of the Violet Flame

Herbs – Cooperating with Plants

Using Atlantean Healing over Distance

What Inspired Us – The Adventure of Writing Original Information

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